This week’s blog post is from our Development Officer, Molly Poulter Williams, as she gives 5 reasons why a rainy walk has more well-being boosting benefits than you think!
At this time of year, it’s difficult not to think that certain creatures have got it right with this hibernation malarkey. However, as tempting as it is to spend the next 6 months cocooned in your cosiest blanket, we’re here to tell you five reasons why you should grab your waterproofs and head out for a walk in the rain this season:
The smell of rain has a mood-boosting effect
That distinctive smell that rain has? It has a name – petrichor. It’s actually not the rain droplets that smell, rather what happens when rain falls and mixes with dry earth, trapping soil particles and other naturally occurring oils inside droplets as they fall. This creates air bubbles that then burst, releasing the distinctive scent into the air. The term petrichor comes from the Greek ‘petra’ meaning stone, and ‘ichor’ which refers in Greek mythology, to the liquid that would flow through the veins of immoral beings. Our enjoyment of petrichor is thought to be a historic hangover from our ancestors, who (unlike nowadays) would be heavily reliant on rainfall and thrilled by its arrival.
The air is cleaner when it rains
We’re told constantly that “getting some fresh air” is good for us, and the good news for rain-walkers is that the air is likely to be at its freshest during rainfall. In a natural process called coagulation, rain droplets collect aerosols, including air pollutants like soot, sulphates and other organic particles, and carry them away. Scientists in the field of Atmospheric Chemistry at MIT have been able to determine the effectiveness of rain at cleaning the atmosphere. Using their research, scientists may be able to predict climate-cleansing benefits of rainfall in various environmental conditions!
You’ll probably get the paths and parks to yourself
The good news for those that brave the elements is that you’re likely to have a lot more of the outside space to yourselves, whilst everyone else is inside waiting for fairer weather. During a rainy spell, your favourite usually-crowded spaces are going to be less busy, giving you more space to enjoy your walk without being hustled and bustled. Quieter environments will also make it much easier for you to take notice of your surroundings, helping you be more present and mindful in your walking – a practice that increases your sense of wellbeing.
It will boost your resilience
There’s no denying it, getting outside to go for a walk when it’s raining isn’t nearly as easy as getting outside in sunnier weather. But who said everything in life was going to be easy? By acknowledging your trepidation towards walking in the rain, but then doing it anyway, you are not only gaining all the benefits mentioned, but you’re also building resilience and confidence in your ability to do difficult things. Over time, this sense of confidence can (and will) filter into other areas of your life too.
Helps you change your perspective
Walking in the rain is a ‘POV’ we don’t see all that often. Changing up your usual sunny-day walk for one slightly darker and damper might just be the perspective shift you need to see your surroundings in a whole new light. Not only that, mindful walking (without external stimuli like music or podcasts) can be a great way to quieten our mind. Taking your mind off your current mental riddles and tuning in to the sound of the rain instead can be a meditative experience, allowing our brains to get on with problem solving in the background and helping you feel refreshed when you settle back into work again.