Our second Face of the Run Series is this year’s elected Sports and Student Development Officer, Rushab Shah. Rushab has been at home in Nairobi, Kenya since Christmas, which is where he will be running the Run Series virtual 5k on the weekend of 20-21 March.

Name: Rushab Shah
Staff or Student: Student Sabbatical Officer
Role: Bristol SU
Run Series Event: Whole Series!
What is your experience with running up until now?
I think, like most people, I picked up running last year in lockdown when there were no more sports to play. I had never done much running before that and I absolutely fell in love with it. I go on runs 3-4 times a week and do a variety of distances from 5ks to 15ks depending on how I am feeling.
What motivated you to sign up to the Run Series in 2021?
The run series will be my first ever running event! I can’t wait to get some running merchandise to look like a “real” runner and make my Strava look even more legit. It also gives me motivation and a purpose to train, which makes getting up for runs even more enjoyable.
What is your top tip for getting out the door for your training runs?
If you can, get a running buddy. It makes running so much more enjoyable. You get lost in conversation with whoever you are running with and suddenly running doesn’t seem as painful as it once was. It also makes it harder to back out of a run because you have someone else who will be struggling with you.
What are you most looking forward to about taking part in the Run Series this year?
I am really looking forward to seeing a large number of Bristol students getting involved and improving their mental and physical wellbeing through running 😊
What is your favourite pre-run snack/food?
My favourite snack has got to be the one and only banana.
Has Rushab tempted you to get involved in the Run Series? There is still time to sign up for the first event, the 5k on the weekend of 20-21 March. Sign up here.
Where are you running the Run Series events? We would love to hear from you. Join our Facebook community or our University of Bristol Sport Strava club and be part of the conversation.