A Runner’s Guide to Tackling the Cold Weather

As we head deeper into winter and the temperature drops, many runners face a pivotal decision: retreat to the treadmill or embrace the brisk outdoors. In this week’s blog post, our Marketing and Communications Officer Sophie, discusses how to motivate yourself to get running outdoors and make the most of the cold weather!

The cold can seriously impact willpower when it comes to tackling that long weekend run. This weekend I was reticent to go out in the cold, but I’m glad I did. I am a bit of a fair-weather runner, myself. If it rains, it takes a lot of internal battling to get my feet out of the front door. I imagine snow would take even more of a talking up! It seems like everyone gets into a frenzy when snow descends upon England, we are not equipped to deal with it. However, I did see some dedicated runners plugging away at their miles yesterday. Good for them! (more…)

How to Return to Sport and Competition After a Long Break

Whether you’re new to a sport or want to get back into moving more, our Business Development Officer Vicky Dickson shares her story and top tips on how to return to sport and competition after a long break.

I am an endurance athlete, an adventurer and someone who likes to test my personal limits. I have taken on a 24-hour event, completed 75 miles (120.7km) in June, and am aiming for a 100-mile event next year. Two years ago I left the sport and activity that I had built up over the years, mentally broken. (more…)

Micro-dosing Strength Exercises and the Butterfly Effect for Runners

This week’s blog post is written by one of our Physiotherapists, Henry Abrahams. As a Physiotherapist (MSc) and a Personal Trainer with a BSc in Sports Science, Henry also cofounded MoveWell, selling sustainable recovery fitness and rehabilitation products. Henry shares his knowledge on how micro-dosing strength exercises is a great way to incorporate strength work for runners, as well as the top three exercises you can do!

We often hear ‘build strength to improve your running’ and ‘your ability to recover’ but let’s be honest, it can be difficult to find the time.


10 Ways to Stay Motivated in Winter

As winter fast approaches, James Rowntree, our Group Health and Fitness Manager, tells his 10 top tips on how to stay motivated when it’s cold and dark outside.

Why do we find it so much harder to keep our activity levels high in the winter months? There are some legitimate factors working against us:


Benefits of Sports Massage for Runners

This blog comes from Paul, one of our Sports Massage Therapists. You can use sports massage to supplement your training and recovery from the Great Bristol Run next weekend! 

I’m sure we all agree that having a massage feels great but in this article we will be discussing the physiological, psychological and educational benefits of sports massage whilst comparing the most useful times to receive a massage. 

Here are some of the most common questions asked around sports massage and its affect on running performance and recovery. 


Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – Part 3

The third and final installment of our Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series focuses on stretching and massage, and how it can benefit your training. 

Stretching & Massage

You must stretch and massage your muscles! All that ground and pound often comes at the expense of tight muscles and hips. A good stretching and massage programme is often neglected when it comes to training for a runners, this is a HUGE mistake! Training leg muscles for running power is effective only if you also maintain their flexibility. Tight hips, hamstrings and quadriceps result in reduced stride length, elasticity and movement efficiency.


Intro to the Trails

This week we have a guest blog from Bristol Run Series Partners – Maverick Race, written by Elyse Fletcher. If you’re interested in learning more about trail running read on, and remember to sign up to the Bristol Run Series 6.5k in the Mendips now!

So you’re interested in trail running, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Maverick Race we are all about trail running! We live and breathe life on the trails, always looking for new trails to run on, new adventures to go on and new runners to join us!

But… What exactly is trail running? Why is it (in our opinion) superior to road running? What are trail shoes? And is it only for runners who can run 100 miles over mountain ranges and tolerate an unpleasant amount of mud?

We’ve written a handy short intro to answer those questions.


The Runner’s Fencepost

Let’s start by imagining a rubber tube, packed tightly with little rubber pellets. You now take out the huge mallet that you just purchased and give one end of the tube a good whack! Due to the compact nature of the tube, much of the force exerted from the strike will travel to the other end of the tube.

Now imagine this same rubber tube is loosely packed, and we give it the same forceful whack at one end. The tube now gets squished by the mallet, flattens out, and force from the strike dissipates from the squished area in a sideways fashion. Consequently, most of the force never reaches the other end.
